Networking Is Not Enough

According to Yahoo! HotJobs, a network needs to do more than just exist; it needs to actually provide professional value to you. I agreed with the list they created, and so decided to place people in my network into the roles they play in my professional life.

The Mentor was actually the most difficult for me to place…probably because I don’t really have one in the way the article describes. The other 9 roles together MAKE the mentor role. But, I eventually came up with the people that fit this role best.(PS-My comments will make more sense if you skim the Yahoo! article.)

This was a valuable exercise, and can help keep anyone on-point with their networking efforts. Sometimes people we meet start as professional contacts, and end up becoming friends and confidants.This has happened to me, but those people are actually more valuable because they play  a larger role in my life, and know me better, which means we can rely on one another and help out more often.

The Mentor: My parents. I tell them everything. They are the only people in the world who know everything about me, and can truly give me complete advice all the time.

The Coach: Hans Helbling, Ray Hilditch. I go to these guys for advice, to help with difficult decisions, and for guidance. It’s always free, and offered up with respect and love. They are the best.

The Industry Insider: Nicola Smith. As the Director of Emerging Trends and Insights at Moxie Interactive, and an instructor at The Creative Circus, she is in the-know, and in my network. I’ve gone to her many times just to talk about where the digital space is headed. And she always knows…

The Trendsetter: Laura Scholz. She definitely always has the scoop, buzz, information, etc. on what’s happening on a variety of topics. Keeps me thinking outside the box.

The Connector: Mike Schinkel. He is the best person to know if you want to know people, places, resources, and information. Period. I am continuously glad for his friendship.

The Idealist: Katie Guyette. We talk about making it big. We laugh at our ridiculous ideas, then get quiet as we realize they are actually possible.

The Realist: Shannon Cobourn, Rachel Belew. They push me to look further out, see the bigger picture, do the next thing while not forgetting what’s in front of me. Each of them always gives a thought or comment that ends up challenging my work, my thought process, etc.

The Visionary: Jenny DeVaughn. In the few conversations I’ve had with her, she is inspiring, professional, and willing to share. It’s been rather stunning, in a great way, each time.

The Partner: Rachel Doyle, Beth Farrar. My partners in crime. We are at many of the same places professionally and I need them.

The Wanna-Be: Colleen Gordon. Someone who needs me. Or at least I think she does. And if I do a good job, she shouldn’t need me for much longer. 😉

Not everyone has to fit in a box, and people on this list more realistically fit in several places. I found it interesting and valuable, though, to evaluate my network AND my relationships with those in my network, this way. I encourage everyone else to do the same, and share it with those people.

I just thought Yoda would be appropriate in this article. 😉