Fresh Juice Friday: Beet-Ginger Juice

After a fun and indulgent long weekend in Savannah, I’ve gotten back to my routine of juicing during the week. I fasted completely on the first day, and then ate one meal each day on the second and third days.

Sometimes I get very hungry, so if I’ve consumed my juice and water and still feel uncomfortably hungry after about 30 minutes, I’ll reach for a small, healthy snack to keep me on track. There are lots of snack products on the market, some are better than others and many are expensive. I think, however, that I’ve found a great solution… Continue reading

Healthy Eats for the Air

I recently wrote a post about eating healthy on road trips, which is pretty easy because I can take whatever I want and have plenty of space for coolers in my car. But what about when flying? I’ve never liked eating at airports for cost reasons, but on my recent trip to Denver I had to make sure everything I packed was healthy, too.

Luckily, I’d recently found some great, healthful, and delicious items that I thought would be very travel-friendly and that the bf would love. Check out the list…. Continue reading

Planned Obsolescence: What it is, Why You Should Care, and How to Avoid it

This is a guest post by Jesse Andrews, a person I’ve known since elementary school and with whom I’ve gotten reacquainted over the last couple of years as we’ve shared thinking around politics, economics, military, modern lifestyles, global warming, etc. You can read more about his lifestyle projects/improvements and general observations on his website, The Ripening. He brings a positive perspective to all his thinking, and his research of and knowledge around planned obsolescence is a great addition to my recent posts on reducing, reusing and reorganizing.  Continue reading

Less Bling, More Style

My beautiful jewelry armoir – stuffed to the brim with old necklaces, bracelets, extra watchbands and links, small jewelry boxes saved for gifting but still unused…basically a catch-all space for anything in this category.

Essentially, it’s a mess – and even worse, most of the contents I never even wear! Parting with jewelry was an odd and difficult task, but I did it and in doing so reaffirmed my own personal style.  Continue reading

De-cluttering: The Dreaded Kitchen Basket

Face it – we all have one of these. It’s probably in the kitchen, or maybe the foyer or dining room, but it’s there…a basket, bucket, drawer or shelf stuffed to brims and overflowing with…STUFF!

I grew up in a house where the basket held mail, pens, calculators, notepads, and receipts to be saved. It was always full and as a result there always ended up being more clutter around the basket. Before we could blink, the entire section of kitchen counter was overtaken with torn envelopes and dried-up pens.

As part of my 2013 initiative to declutter and reduce, I decided that the one in my apartment had to go. For good. Not only was it an eyesore, it actually made me MORE disorganized – some important papers were in the basket, others were filed and I never actually knew where anything was. That makes my life more difficult, not less. Here’s how I did it: Continue reading

3 Easy Ways to Save Money This Year

The Social Security tax credit of 2% has expired. If you’re like me, you feel it in each paycheck – especially since most Americans haven’t gotten a raise at all in the 2 years the tax credit was in effect. This means we are bringing home a significantly lower amount of money. In the interest of being positive in 2013 and trying to take action where I can, I decided to do things on my own to help ease the pain of this lower income. Here are three ways I saved some money on my monthly bills: Continue reading

Reducing and Re-Organizing – A Great Start to 2013

This is the second post in an ongoing series focusing on decluttering my closet. The first post outlined 3 steps I’d be taking to achieve that:

  • Reducing clothes in my closet
  • Using the items I already have
  • Replacing items with quality pieces

I decided that the best way to ring in the new year would be to reduce items I don’t use by donating them to Goodwill. I ended up moving beyond my closet into my bedroom, and eventually into the kitchen. It felt, and stil feels, so good to have made this big of a dent so soon into the new year! Here is what I donated: Continue reading