2011: Looking Back, Part 1

2011 was the toughest year I’ve ever had, but I honestly don’t feel terrible, or discouraged, or worn down. At all. In fact, I feel like 2011 was the BEST year to learn and accomplish so much because I was constantly challenged. Some of the challenges I gave to myself, and others were outside of my control and planning. Out of every tough situation, though, there came something wonderful. Continue reading

Reality Check

Sometimes, I get discouraged, run down, and worry about getting to do all the things I’ve always dreamed of doing. However, when I stop to think about it, I’ve done so many amazing things that others only dream of, and I really need to always remember what I’ve done and how it’s made me who I am.

I wanted to put my life into perspective, so I decided to apply my life experiences to the kiddie question “When I grow up, I want to…” Continue reading