Happy Second Birthday to Happy, Helpful & Handsome Harrison!

My beautiful baby boy is TWO years old! This past year with him has been filled with laughter, joy, fun, love…and sometimes frustration (on all sides!). In all seriousness, Harrison is a truly amazing little boy – smart, curious, sweet, thoughtful, playful and funny. Every day my heart grows with love for him and I find myself excited for all the little things. A few weeks ago, I woke up at 5am on a Saturday and couldn’t really fall back to sleep because I was so excited to take him to the park to see the turtles (his favorite). I’ve put together a little monthly recap from the past year to capture some sweet memories and show how he’s grown. Continue reading

The Long Road Home

The end of an era. My mom and Ron are moving to the Outer Banks and have put my childhood home up for sale. To have one last stay in the house and to see my friend Stacey and her family visiting from Alaska, we planned a quick trip to Ohio. So many memories and I left feeling like I didn’t have enough time to revisit many beloved places or see many old friends. Such is life. But everything we did do was incredibly special – starting with Harrison’s FIRST airplane ride. Continue reading

Family Time in Savannah, Georgia

My entire family loves Savannah! It’s less than a four-hour drive from Atlanta and for my brother and Kym, slightly less than the time it takes to drive to Atlanta so it was the perfect meeting spot for a fall getaway. With summer temperatures! It was also Harrison’s FIRST trip to our special city – site of our wedding and many other fabulous adventures.  Continue reading

Palate Training – How to Get Your Baby to Eat Everything

Since chronicling Harrison’s foray into real foods the past 8 months, I’ve gotten many questions about Harrison’s meals and how we got him to eat so well and with such variety. Growing up, my brother was an extremely picker eater. My dad was always picky and later in life has gotten even worse. I’ve seen so many parents struggle and struggle and struggle with feeding their toddlers and kids anything but complete junk food. I knew I wanted a different way. We saw what Sean’s cousins did with their two kids – palate training – and were in awe when their nine-month old ate a vegetable curry from a market in London. 

Ultimately, we had to have a plan. Our world has so much to do with food. Cooking is my hobby and passion and trying new foods is such an important experience for both me and Sean.

I was also concerned about nutrition and the addiction to sugar. It’s in EVERYTHING and 100% impossible to avoid. But I believed there had to be a way for a child to eat a variety of foods – not just the “beige foods” (bread, chicken fingers, french fries, macaroni and cheese, hotdogs, etc.) and sugar. Enter Palate Training. Continue reading

The Baby Chronicles: Harrison Jeffrey at One Year!

A whole year! Baby Harrison is one year old! From the chaos of the early newborn days to the chaos of the mobile baby we have now and everything in between, this has been an eventful year. Harrison has had another big month that moved him from infant to toddler and we have grown together as a family overall. As I look back on the year, I’m most thankful for a healthy, happy baby who continues to grow big and strong with a fun, easy-going disposition – and the support of my family especially my hubby. <3 Continue reading

The Baby Chronicles: Harrison Jeffrey at 10 Months

Month 10. Wow. It’s hard to believe how quickly Harrison is approaching his first birthday. These past few weeks have been really hard with Sean traveling almost the entire month of June, and the first several days of July. The good news is that Harrison and I had a lot of time together and we did some fun things. I noticed this month that many of his developments were improvements on what he developed in month nine – rather than numerous completely new developments. Read on!

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The Baby Chronicles: Harrison Jeffrey at 9 Months

This baby! Sweet as pie, super fun, curious, growing, healthy and strong – with completely obsesses parents, au pair, grandparents and aunt and uncle! Harrison has had a big month with lots of changes, travel, new foods and new activities. He’s SO adorable and pleasant almost all the time – we can’t get enough of him. <3 Read on for all the details from his ninth month! Continue reading