Fourteen years is almost my entire post-university life. Fourteen years ago, the same year of the financial meltdown that started the Great Recession, I moved to Atlanta sight unseen to try something new. I had no job and no expectations. 23 year-old me would be really proud of where I’ve ended up (although maybe a little surprised, too). I spent the first several years getting to know the city and its people, having fun, and getting my career going. After we bought our house in 2015, I felt an inner current start to shift me to family and spirituality. It’s been an incredible experience, my life in this place over these past fourteen years.
I said “yes” to as much as I possibly could those first few years here – jobs, friends, hobbies, travel, education – I tried as many new things as I could and kept following the winding road.
I didn’t have just one dream to drive the way; my dreams changed as I went along. Being able to see, understand and respond to this has made all the difference in my life. Acceptance rather than stubbornness.
And what a life I’ve made here! A true (partial) life arc with my carefree ages flowing into more meaningful connections and eventually motherhood.
It is not easy to leave. It was not an easy decision to leave. I have felt sadness in an aching kind of way that signals emotions that I’m not sure I realized I had for this place. The city has changed; but so have I. And as I grew into myself and shaped my life in new directions, the city continued to offer me things to meet me wherever I was. I’ve always said that Atlanta has something for everyone but what I’ve come to know is that Atlanta – it’s culture, it’s history, it’s diversity, it’s strengths, it’s challenges, it’s natural beauty, it’s FOOD – is an incredible home. A home for the heart and soul. My home for fourteen years – where I’ve learned so much about life and love and forgiveness and belonging and peace. Where I got I met my husband, got married and had my son; where I got the best dog in the universe; where I met some of the kindest, smartest, funniest people on earth; where happiness came so often and so deep that time both stood completely still and flew by.
A new chapter begins even though I don’t want this one to end. But since it must, I am so thankful it was a good one. <3
And now for a few photo highlights over the years…
My first apartment on Shallowford Rd with Eric. I was amazed at how nice it was!Eric, Nicole and I hung out so much the first year I was here – high school friends together in Atlanta. 2008.
Beth, Rachel and I met at networking events in 2009 and are still friends to this day! <3 2009.
My time working at the Creative Circus was so memorable. I had the best boss in Shannon and amazing coworkers who taught me so much. 2010.
My parents came to visit ALL the time and came to love this city, too. Especially my mom who always house- and dog-sat for us when we traveled. 2011 and 2009.
One of the very best decisions I ever made was bringing home my sweet, fluffy Stella! 2011.
I was SO outgoing and social my first few years here and had a big group of friends. 2012.
Savannah/Tybee Wedding! 2014.
Our first home together in 2015.
I successfully threw my husband a surprise birthday party in 2016.
Dale Chihuly at Atlanta Botanical Gardens. 2016.
Downtown Atlanta from Suntrust Plaza. 2017.
Christmas in the Grove, 2017.
New car! Finally got rid of the Golden Nugget after having it for TEN years! This was such a big deal. My dad had gotten me the yellow Chevy Cobalt coupe after I graduated with my MBA and I took care of it and held onto it for so long.
Total eclipse in Clayton Georgia, 2017!Cabbagetown, 2017.
One of the biggest snowfalls I ever experienced in Atlanta, 2017.9 months pregnant! 2018.
Me with 10-day-old baby Harrison. <3 2018.
Visits from Nana! 2019.Chinese Lantern Festival in Atlanta, 2019.
Harrison is TWO years old. 2020.
At Atlanta Brewing Company, formerly Red Brick, where Sean and I had our first kiss in 2012 and where he proposed to me just over a year later. <3 2020.
Top of Stone Mountain with the best of friends! Lindsey, Dan and Adeline.Two wonderful years in a row of Mommy-Harrison summer Saturday mornings at Piedmont Park Farmer’s Market. 2021.
Visits from Nana and Auntie Erin, 2021.Our dear, dear friends Greg and Krista. Cheers, y’all. 2022.
We’ve had so much fun exploring breweries and this was my first in Atlanta all those years ago! 2022.Stone Mountain, we love you. Thanks for the memories. 2022.
Atlanta, you’ll be missed.