My friend recently told me she had juiced some cranberries and really enjoyed the tart taste. I was immediately curious as I’ve never even thought about juicing cranberries. I was looking for new juicing recipes on Reboot With Joe and found one that called for cranberries that sounded amazing. Of course, I had to adapt to fit my own taste and what I currently had on hand at home. 😉
This recipe focuses primarily on carrots and cranberries, and I added oranges and pears as well to give a sweet and tart taste. Carrots have a host of benefits when juiced:
- Cleanse and detox the liver
- Help maintain vision
- Help keep cancer away – poly-acetylene anti-oxidant falcarinol in carrots can destroy pre-cancerous cells in tumors
- Keep tooth enamel healthy
- Keep skin looking vibrant – lack of Vitamin A can cause flaking and/or drying of the skin
- Make eyes brighter and eyelashes longer
Cranberries also have many health benefits:
- Good source of vitamin B5, C, K, beta-carotene, folate, calcium, selenium, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium
- Can help treat bladder, kidney and urinary tract infections
- Help to detoxify the body
- Help prevent cancer
- Lower cholesterol and fight heart disease
- Ward off colds and fevers
- Reduce plaque build up on teeth
Those are some seriously awesome reasons to drink fresh cranberry juice! In addition to being so good for me, this juice was one of the best I’ve ever had. The tart taste comes at the end, leaving a wonderful sourness and dryness that I didn’t think I would ever find in a non-alcoholic or fermented drink. I hope you enjoy this juice as much as I do and use this recipe as a base for incorporating more cranberries into your juicing routine.

- 1 cup of fresh cranberries
- 4 large carrots
- 1 pear
- 2 oranges
- Splash of sparkling water (optional)
- Put all ingredients through the juicer (watch those cranberries - they can fly out!)
- Pour juice over ice, top off with sparkling water and enjoy.
- Please choose all organic ingredients if possible