It’s been awhile since my last “Fresh Juice Friday” post and recipe. I’ve been so busy sharing gardening tips, summer trips, and job search advice that making fresh juice at home has been hard! Luckily for me, there is a fantastic juice bar in Atlanta called Arden’s Garden that makes great vegetable juices that I can grab when I’m particularly busy.
However, nothing beats homemade juice – it just tastes so fresh and gives me so much energy! This recipe is for my absolute favorite green juice……and it was the very first juice I ever made! I found the recipe on the Reboot with Joe website and loved how it incorporated so many vegetables and leafy greens, with just one piece of fruit for sweetness.
This recipe calls for kale, spinach, cucumber, celery, apple and lemon – but the varieties are truly endless. You could substitute another veggie like zucchini for the celery or cucumber, or change the greens by rotating in Swiss Chard, romaine, collards or turnip greens, and you could a pear instead of an apple. These variations change the taste just enough that you don’t get sick of it. Perfect!

- 2 large kale leaves (can substitute collards, turnip greens, etc.)
- 2-3 handful of spinach (can substitute romaine, swiss chard, etc.)
- 2 celery stalks
- 1 cucumber, peeled with ends removed
- 1 green apple (can use pear instead)
- 1 lemon, peeled (can use lime instead)
- Put all ingredients into juicer in the order listed above
- Serve the juice over ice and enjoy!
- *Please use all organic ingredients if possible.
- This is the perfect juice for the morning - it's fresh, and gives a strong boost of energy.