My Brother Moved to the Outer Banks, NC!

IMG_4302IMG_4290That’s right – my brother and sister-in-law are following their dreams and living at the beach! It’s so incredible and I’m so happy for them. They saved, stuck with it through setbacks, swallowed their pride and landed same-day job offers for each of them at The Outer Banks Hospital. They moved at the end of March and with me knowing I was going to be starting a new job mid-April, I had to get out there to visit them and see their new place the first few days of April. They have an adorable little house in downtown Manteo on Roanoke Island. They can walk to shops, restaurants, grocery stores, movie theatre, barber shop, waterfront, marina, lighthouse, etc. We had such a blast during my visit and I’m already looking forward to my next trip. Here are some photos.

Here are some interior photos of their cute house. Their yard is also nice with lovely plants: forsythia, camellia, azalea, peach tree to name just a few!IMG_4535IMG_4534IMG_4169

We went up to Duck and Corolla one day to see the Currituck Lighthouse, have lunch and do some shopping.IMG_4181IMG_4198IMG_4202

We drove across Oregon Inlet on the Bonner Bridge and I was pretty surprised to see them building what looks like a brand new bridge. Note the cranes in the photo.IMG_4211IMG_4218IMG_4231

We also took the pups to the beach, complete with a ramp so LillieBelle can get in the back of the jeep.IMG_4236

Jeanette’s Pier.IMG_4270

My sandy-faced, sandy-pawed, beach and water-loving pup. The best! <3IMG_4305

Tyler and Kym walking LillieBelle on the beach.IMG_4248IMG_4269IMG_4263IMG_4297IMG_4300

These next two photos are to show how much Stella adores her aunt and uncle. And I think they like her a lot, too. 😉IMG_4306IMG_4303

2 thoughts on “My Brother Moved to the Outer Banks, NC!

  1. Aw tori this made me tear-up a little! So nice. We loved you being here. Can’t for your return. Hopefully with Sean! And of course we would love to have Stella anytime!!! Thanks for the kind words.

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