Harrison’s 6th month started off with lots of activity. Sean started his second of five weeks at home with Harrison, and a slew of visitors began to arrive. Over this past month, Harrison has shown me time and time again how adaptable, easy-going and joyful he is. He had numerous days off of his “schedule” and was a champ. The month was full of other big and important firsts for our sweet boy!
Harrison’s 6 month stats: Weight – 18 pounds (60th percentile), Height – 27.75 inches (90th percentile), Head circumference – 17.25 inches (53rd percentile). He is on the bigger side of average for weight and head but man he’s TALL. And he found his feet this last month which is so dang adorable!
Sean made the absolute most of his leave with Harrison. His cousin Patrick came down from D.C. for 3 nights and they went all over Atlanta doing fun things with Harrison. Harrison sat in his first high chair and had his first babysitter that was not a friend or family member, so mommy, daddy, and Patrick could go out. He was good for the sitter – shocker! 😉
The next visitor was my dear friend Lindsey, and her six year old daughter Adeline. We had a fun weekend checking out record shops, cooking, and playing with the baby. Lindsey was my first close friend to have a baby and not only did I learn so much from her, I’ve always admired her patience and grace in parenting. It was so special to have Harrison meet her.
Harrison also got to see his Grandma Kathy, who came for a long weekend and Barbie, and cousin Ali (Patrick’s wife who was in Atlanta a different weekend for a baby shower). We LOVED having him meet and see so many loved ones.
Harrison has continued to be a good sleeper. Some days his naps are still a challenge as he doesn’t connect sleep cycles and ends up with shorter naps, but it can take time to learn that. He’s been great at sleeping overnight. Usually from 7-8 at night until 6.45-7.15 in the morning. He still sleeps in his little sleep sack/wearable blanket. I put him to bed at night now, and we have a sweet little routine. He always touches my face and pulls it to his while he’s on the changing table. He coos and sings, and giggles and squeals when I blow kisses on his belly. He often holds my finger while I rock and sing to him. And some nights, I rock him a little longer after he’s fallen asleep to stare at his perfect face. He is so lovely.
Harrison and his dad really bonded this month and had lots and lots of adventures. It’s been amazing to have Sean at home, and to have him connect in such special ways with his son. I’m loving our family time like never before. In fact, Sean was with Harrison the first time he rolled over! Harrison hasn’t rolled over too much yet. He does a lot of tummy time but seems content to look around, get more involved with his toys, and “play” with Stella – she comes over to kiss his face and sit by him, and he touches her fluff or pulls her ears. 😉
Into the middle of the month, we noticed Harrison drinking a LOT more formula at his meals and getting hungrier a lot sooner. We were planning to start him on solids soon, and so moved it up by a couple of weeks since he clearly seemed to be telling us he wanted more substantial food! On February 17th, he got his first food – organic brown rice cereal. We’re following the “palate training” method where we introduce foods to him in a certain order – bland to mild to sweet to salty/protein – to help his taste buds develop and to ease him into bolder flavors. The goal is to train the baby’s palate to like vegetables, while understanding that liking sweet things is inevitable. So far, he has had the rice cereal, oatmeal and sweet peas. He has generally liked them all so far, but oatmeal is his least favorite. Feeding is really fun and he’s already great at it.
Harrison’s flat head never did round out. The pediatrician and we agreed that it hadn’t improved at all, so off to the specialist we went and a helmet he got. It’s been 5 days and he’s doing pretty well in it. He’ll have to wear it for 22 hours per day for 3-4 months.
Harrison started daycare when we both went back to work. It’s a very nice place and we have friends that take their kids there. However, after only a couple of days, Harrison got sick. 🙁 It’s inevitable, but still tough. The caretakers are such sweet ladies but it’s hard to give attention to so many kids (each caretaker has 6 infants). His naps are suffering but we’re hoping he will learn he has to just sleep through the noise, etc. It’s such a change for him and I worry even though I know kids are resilient. The drop-off/pick-up routine is also A LOT more work than having one parent at home. I knew it would be but its still kinda crazy just how much easier and more comfortable life is with one person at home – and how much more time we both get to spend with him. I know he will learn so much during his time at daycare, though, and that brings me some calm.
Harrison loves smiling, bouncing in his bouncy chair (except when he falls asleep in it), getting tickled, giggling/cooing/squealing, going out anywhere and looking around, bright lights, rattles, Stella, sleeping and being held. He’s the most wonderful baby boy I could’ve ever wished for and I love him more and more every day. His gummy smile is the BEST.