Southeast Asia Honeymoon: Siem Reap, Cambodia

Temple complex in Siem ReapWe left Bangkok at 6.30am on Sunday, December 21 and headed for Cambodia. We were excited, but still tired from our long travel days and flurry of activity in Bangkok so we slept a good bit on the bus ride.

We crossed into Cambodia from Thailand at Poi Pet, which I later learned is famed for being a lengthy and annoying process. Dyka had us give all of our luggage to a local who piled the bags into a cart. We all watched a bit nervously, but  Dyka insisted the man was completely trustworthy. We didn’t have any options, so we had to trust that this was just the way things were done here.  Continue reading

Southeast Asia Honeymoon: Bangkok, Thailand

P1000172We arrived in Bangkok and got through immigration easily – we didn’t even need visas because we were only staying for one day. We got in a taxi and were shocked and amazed at how HUGE the city is – the sprawl goes on and on and ON! It took us an hour to get from the airport to the Viengtai Hotel where we were staying – there was lots of traffic. Continue reading

Southeast Asia Honeymoon: Getting There

IMG_20141218_072712993Our 9-day tour with Intrepid Travel began in Bangkok on Saturday, December 20th. We left Atlanta in the morning on December 18th, due to arrive in Bangkok at 11pm on Friday, December 19th. We’d cross the international date line and spring ahead by about 12 hours. However, we only managed to get from Atlanta to Chicago before our itinerary changed, setting our honeymoon off on a rocky start…. Continue reading

Southeast Asia Honeymoon: Packing Light

Screen Shot 2014-12-14 at 6.13.04 PMOnce we booked our tour (through Intrepid Travel – I’ll do a review after the trip, but so far they’ve been great to work with!) and flights for our honeymoon in Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, I took to the blogosphere to research what to take and how to pack. A lot of what I found was from backpackers, gone for months at a time and either camping or staying in extremely modest, low-budget accommodation. 

We’re not doing a five-star trip by any means, but we’ll be in comfortable three-star hotels most nights, and a five-star resort for a few nights that we splurged on (although it was still cheap compared to what it would have cost elsewhere in the Western world). I quickly realized that I didn’t need, nor did I want to spend, $100 on convertible hiking pants, $80 on moisture-wicking athletic shirts, etc. These items would have such a short-term use, as I don’t currently use these items in my day-to-day life. 

So for all those who are traveling and want to do so as a minimalist, but not necessarily as a serious backpacker, this post is for you! I’ll explain what I’m taking and why. Continue reading

My 30th Birthday Weekend


We’ve gone to the North Georgia mountains for the last two years to celebrate my birthday, and we’ve always had a great time. Just the two of us, along with the pups, we enjoy hiking, visiting wineries, cooking and reading. It’s always a relaxing and lovely weekend.

This year for my 30th birthday, I still wanted to go to the mountains. However, my dad bought a small bungalow in the mountains of Southwest Virginia, so we decided to go there instead. I was curious to check out the new place and to explore a new area. 

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Tori’s Lavender Limoncello Recipe

Screen Shot 2014-11-14 at 3.33.28 PMI’m not sure exactly when I got the urge to start infusing liquors at home and make liqueurs, but it was probably around the time I began considering different ways to use the herbs from my garden. One of the first liqueurs I made was a traditional limoncello and I liked it so much that I decided to use it as a base for variations. Lavender limoncello has so far been the best variation and I make it with fresh lavender that I harvest from my garden. 

It may seem too cold outside now for a chilled, lemon-flavored liqueur, but the lavender brings in an earthiness that makes this warming and delicious at any time of year. Lavender is also hearty so I can use it all winter long from my garden!

It’s very easy to infuse liquor and make liqueurs at home, and I hope this simple recipe will inspire you to get creative with some new flavors for your favorite cocktails and spirits. Homemade liqueurs also make great gifts around the holidays! Continue reading

Getting Crafty: Custom Wedding Dog Collars

GRE_4558Sean and I love our sweet pups and are happy that they get along so well. Chelsea is 11 and Stella is 3 and while they’ve only known each other for about two and a half years, they play like they’ve been together forever!

I wanted to have them wear something matching during the wedding. They weren’t a part of the ceremony, but were with us throughout the first part of the day and for the festivities leading up to the wedding day. I didn’t want to get them dresses or shirts because I knew the weather would be warm.

I had the idea one day to wrap their collars with leftover fabric from my wedding dress and then add bows – the perfect solution! See how I did it: Continue reading