2011: Looking Back, Part 1

2011 was the toughest year I’ve ever had, but I honestly don’t feel terrible, or discouraged, or worn down. At all. In fact, I feel like 2011 was the BEST year to learn and accomplish so much because I was constantly challenged. Some of the challenges I gave to myself, and others were outside of my control and planning. Out of every tough situation, though, there came something wonderful. Continue reading

The Role of the Strategist

In digital advertising, it can be confusing to distinguish where, exactly, the strategist sits in the organizational structure. One might not think this is a very big deal, but when we start talking about roles, responsibilities, accountability, and reporting it suddenly becomes important to clarify. Continue reading

No More Pencils, No More Books


I found this infographic with great data on how students are using technology and thought it was worth sharing. I was a little surprised that only 27% of students said their laptop was the most thing in their backpack, but then I realized most would probably put their smartphone as the most important item.

I know I wish I’d had a tablet device when I was in school!

A New Plan

*Note: I debated writing this because, although it seems that the life I portray on social media is spontaneous and unscripted, it is quite the opposite. I’m very much in constant control of what I post and share, but being that I advocate for companies and individuals to be authentic, honest and open in the space I felt it right to share the hard things here and not just the good. But then again, the hard things are usually the good things. 😉

I knew the day would eventually come when I would be laid off from a job. Continue reading