The Social Media Revolution Continues

In October of 2010, Malcolm Galdwell wrote a piece for The New Yorker on “why the revolution will not be tweeted.” I felt at the time that his critique was rather harsh; online/offline efforts are usually the most successful when we’re describing and measuring returns on social media (The 2008 US Presidential campaign remains an excellent example).

Certainly, Twitter fueled the protests in Iran, but we were prompted by Gladwell to consider this with regards to offline results of online efforts: Continue reading

Networking Is Not Enough

According to Yahoo! HotJobs, a network needs to do more than just exist; it needs to actually provide professional value to you. I agreed with the list they created, and so decided to place people in my network into the roles they play in my professional life. Continue reading

Organic Social Retargeting: Facebook

Organic social retargeting – sharing actionable content to reach the followers of your followers – is happening on your social networks whether you know it or not. This post will tell you, via a short case study, how to create and track your efforts for a Facebook Page. Continue reading

Reality Check

Sometimes, I get discouraged, run down, and worry about getting to do all the things I’ve always dreamed of doing. However, when I stop to think about it, I’ve done so many amazing things that others only dream of, and I really need to always remember what I’ve done and how it’s made me who I am.

I wanted to put my life into perspective, so I decided to apply my life experiences to the kiddie question “When I grow up, I want to…” Continue reading