College Debt Costs Us All

Why are younger people REALLY waiting so long to get married, start families, and enter in to traditional definitions of adulthood? A NY Times article says it has to do with empowerment of women, and their desire to have careers, along with younger people being supported and helped by their parents for longer periods of time. This is highlighted in the article by the recent Obama administration implementation of people up to age 26 being able to stay on their parents’ health insurance plans.

But that’s where the explanation stops, and I don’t know about you, but that’s not nearly enough analysis. The first, BIGGEST, reason for young adults postponing all those things is money and finances, which is a direct result of TWO main things. The first one is the outrageous cost of college that imposes heavy responsibility on so many young people. Instead of saving money for a down payment on a house, or a new car, or for a wedding, or even for their future children to go to college, they are shelling out hundreds and hundreds of dollars a month to pay back student loans.

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Managing Expectations: Facebook


This will be the first part in a series on how we online community-builders, social networkers, and interactive marketers can manage expectations in the workplace from our superiors. Continue reading

I'm Talking About Your Brand…Are You Listening?

If all the world’s “a-twitter”, do you know what people are saying about you? Do you know how to get meaningful data from all that Twitter chatter?

There are a few ways on Twitter to manage your online brand and see what people are saying about you.

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