The Social Media Revolution Continues

In October of 2010, Malcolm Galdwell wrote a piece for The New Yorker on “why the revolution will not be tweeted.” I felt at the time that his critique was rather harsh; online/offline efforts are usually the most successful when we’re describing and measuring returns on social media (The 2008 US Presidential campaign remains an excellent example).

Certainly, Twitter fueled the protests in Iran, but we were prompted by Gladwell to consider this with regards to offline results of online efforts: Continue reading

Ad Agencies Don’t Get Social Marketing…At All

I read an article today on the 10 Twitter Mistakes made by Ad Agencies for New Business, and it really struck a nerve with me. This is probably because I am much more aware of advertising agencies and websites in my role at The Creative Circus than I was before. Continue reading

WordPress 3.0 is finally here!

And here is the introduction video on all the killer features WordPress 3.0 has for developers and administrators.  While I’m not a developer, I do manage my own site, and will be an administrator soon on another one for work. I’m so excited to start playing around with these features. Which ones are you most excited about? Continue reading

Managing Expectations: Facebook


This will be the first part in a series on how we online community-builders, social networkers, and interactive marketers can manage expectations in the workplace from our superiors. Continue reading