Handmade Holidays: Dam Fine Designs

il_570xN.526921039_toyfIn this third post in my series on Handmade Holidays (read posts one and two), I was introduced to a little business called Dam Fine Designs. My friend Cherish connected me to her colleague who had been sharing around her mom’s Etsy site to help give it some visibility. I was struck by the beautiful, handmade scarves and lovely pillows – and then I got the details of how this small business came to be. I knew I had to write about this for my final post in this short series. I hope you enjoy it and get some great ideas for gifts for your loved ones.  Continue reading

Friends Reunited in Charlotte, NC

IMG_5809A fun-filled weekend with my oldest and dearest friends, in the middle of the holiday season – what could be better? Pretty much nothing!

It all started last year when my dear friend Lindsey had her sweet baby girl Adeline and I knew I had to visit (and introduce them to Sean for the first time!). Her sister Stacey, another dear friend of mine, came down from Alaska with her husband.  We had a great time and sort of unofficially decided to do it again this year – but with more friends and more of Lindsey’s and Stacey’s family.  Continue reading

Handmade Holidays: just add honey tea company

slide_5This is the second post in my series focusing on local/small businesses and handmade, quality goods for holiday gifting (read the first post here). When I had the idea for this series, I knew I’d need to get some recommendations from friends who know the people and businesses I wanted to feature. My friend Wendy over at ATL Events connected me with Brandi Shelton, the owner of just add honey tea company and I knew this was a perfect fit for my site – for more reasons than my love of tea! Continue reading

A Warm and Wonderful Florida Thanksgiving

IMG_5910I usually spend Thanksgiving with my grandparents in Florida and enjoy the warm weather and relaxation. This year, a cold front delivered the most fridged temperatures in Atlanta in 100 years and pushed cool air into the normally balmy Florida coast. It was certainly warmer there than in Atlanta so we were happy with that and to spend quality time with our families as a newly engaged couple. Continue reading

Fall Colors Around Atlanta

IMG_5589It’s been a beautiful, long fall here in Atlanta and that means lots and lots of bright colors on all the trees. Everywhere I turn, there are vibrant shades of orange, yellow and red. Even on industrial streets, the colors are absolutely stunning.

I’ve taken many photos over the past two months and am sharing some of my favorites here. I hope you enjoy them!

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Handmade Holidays: Seneca Hills

wreath1This is a series for the holidays that will focus on several small businesses and/or people who make quality, handmade or locally produced items. I asked friends to ask their friends if they knew anyone who fit the bill, and the responses I received were wonderful. I want to share the beautiful and quality creations of people in my community and life. I’d like to encourage others to consider purchasing these amazing gifts for the holidays instead of mass-produced and low-quality products at mass retailers.

All these handmade items have a story and smart, passionate people behind them. The first post is about Seneca Hills, an Etsy store where a dear friend sells wreaths, t-shirts, block print-stamped napkins, onsies, pillows, and other crafty items. While I love all of her work, her holidays wreaths are stunning and will be highlighted here. Continue reading

Pumpkin Bundt Cake with Pumpkin Spice Glaze

1459278_504674168300_1734309853_nI love bundt cakes – they’re beautiful with a glaze on top and are easy to cut and serve at parties. I’ve been making lots of them lately – lemon, strawberry, blueberry – they seem to be perfect for just about any occasion. This recipe was imagined when my friend needed a cake for her baby’s first birthday. She wanted it to be a bundt cake, and to be pumpkin. All the ones I’d made had been fruit-flavored, but I devised a way to alter the recipe and it worked out so well.
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